Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injections

Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injections

If you are seeking relief from a pinched nerve, you may benefit from an epidural steroid injection. An epidural steroid injection is an advanced interventional procedure used to relieve neck, back, shoulder and arm pained caused by a pinched nerve or nerves.

Dr. Garcia-Diaz uses a C-Arm and Fluoroscopy to safely and accurately deliver a combination of an anesthetic and cortisone solution into the epidural space in the pain location. The goal of the treatment is to decrease the swelling of the nerves producing long-term pain relief. Some patients may only need one injection; however, it may take two or three injections administered two weeks apart to provide significant pain relief.

To find out for certain if you are a candidate for this procedure, schedule a consultation to be evaluated. 

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