Facet Joint Injections

Facet Joint Injections

The facet joints connect the spinal vertebrae and can become inflamed.

Facet joints are located between each set of vertebrae in the spine from the neck to the tailbone. A facet joint injection is an interventional procedure that is used to relieve chronic back and neck pain by reducing the swelling and inflammation of tissue in and around the facet joint space. 

The procedure involves injecting a mixture of local anesthetic and steroid medication into the facet joint. Dr. Garcia-Diaz uses a C-Arm and Fluoroscopy to safely and accurately deliver an injection into one or more of the facet joints. For many patients, facet joint injections are highly effective in producing long-term pain relief.

Patients with arthritic or thickened facet joints who experience chronic neck or back pain with movement are usually candidates for this procedure. To find out for certain if you are a candidate for this procedure, schedule a consultation to be evaluated. 

During your appointment, an X-ray will be taken to determine if you have arthritis in your facet joints that may benefit from a facet joint injection.

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