Nerve Compression

Nerve Compression

Nerve compression can occur all along the spine, causing significant pain.

If you have ever experienced pain in your neck or back, you’ve probably heard the term “pinched nerve.” 

In fact, if you have seen a doctor about neck or back pain that did not go away on its own after a few weeks, you’ve probably been diagnosed with a spinal pinched nerve. A pinched nerve is often the result of any type of degenerative spine condition that causes pain and other symptoms. Though this is a common occurrence for most people at some point in their lives, a pinched nerve can be difficult to treat because there are so many potential causes for nerve compression.

A pinched nerve is a nerve under pressure. This pressure often comes from surrounding bone or soft tissues. A nerve under enough pressure will lose its ability to carry accurate signals, and its wayward signals can cause a variety of sensations in the body. For example, when a nerve is pinched or compressed, it can trigger the nerve to falsely signal pain. The compression also can limit the nerve’s ability to control the muscles it serves.

One of the most common places for a pinched nerve to occur is within the spine. The vertebral column surrounds nerve roots that innervate areas throughout the body, controlling muscle movements and sensations. These nerve roots are especially vulnerable to being pinched within the tightly packed spinal canal.

Nerve compression results in pain and other symptoms such as numbness, tingling and weakness in the arms or legs. The quality and type of pain can vary, from dull, aching and difficult to localize, to sharp and burning.

Nerve compression can occur at any level of the spine. This pressure can result from disc protrusions or herniation, bone spurs, scar tissue, spinal instrumentation, tumors, infection or cysts. Severe nerve compression may result in loss of bowel or bladder control or the weakness of an extremity. If these symptoms occur, you should see a doctor immediately.

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