

Osteoporosis causes the bones to become weak or brittle. This can result in significant pain.

More than 1.5 million osteoporosis-related fractures occur each year in the United States, and nearly half of them are in the vertebrae. Osteoporosis--the thinning of the bone--is generally associated with aging. Metabolic imbalance, genetics and medications are also factors. 

In the spine, the thoracic and lumbar segments are the areas most commonly affected by . Vertebral compression fractures occur when the bone weakens and can no longer support the load imposed upon it. Spinal symptoms related to osteoporosis include back pain and deformity that can lead to a hunched back and/or decreased height. Compression fractures in osteoporotic vertebrae can be very painful.

Treatments of osteoporosis include supplementation with calcium and Vitamin D. Weight-bearing exercise, including walking, is extremely important to build stronger bones. Certain medications such as bisphosphonates, reloxifene, and parathyroid hormone are available to prevent, reduce or treat osteoporosis. Other medications may be used if the osteoporosis is determined to be related to a more general medical condition. Discuss treatment options with your doctor in deciding which treatment, if any, may be best for you.

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